A Journey Across India: My Adventure on Howrah Rajdhani

A Journey Across India: My Adventure on Howrah Rajdhani

(Image showing me along with my child, train in New Delhi Station)

As the sun dipped below the Delhi skyline, I (Jay Sen) along with my family (Wife & Son) found ourselves on the platform of New Delhi Railway Station, embarking on an exciting journey to Kolkata aboard the Howrah Rajdhani Express. With a ticket in hand and a sense of anticipation, we stepped into the train, ready for an overnight odyssey through the heart of India, New Delhi.

The rhythmic clatter of wheels on tracks and the distant echoes of the city's bustle gradually faded as the train ventured into the night. We settled into the cozy comfort of our berth, greeted by the gentle swaying of the carriage. The journey had begun.

The train, known for its efficiency and speed, whisked us through the landscapes of northern India. As my son peered out of the window, he witnessed the transformation from the urban sprawl of Delhi to the tranquil fields of Uttar Pradesh. The Howrah Rajdhani, an epitome of Indian Railways' hospitality, ensured our every need was met, from warm meals to a good night's sleep.

Morning light bathed the countryside as the train approached the city of joy, Kolkata. The anticipation built specally in my 5 years old son as he imagined the vibrant chaos, the Howrah Bridge looming in the distance, and the cultural richness awaiting him.

Upon arrival at Howrah Junction, we disembarked with a mix of nostalgia for the journey's end and excitement for the adventures Kolkata held. The Howrah Rajdhani had not just transported us across the vast expanse of India; it had woven a tapestry of experiences, from the camaraderie of fellow travelers to the changing landscapes outside.

As we stepped onto the platform, we couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the seamless journey the Howrah Rajdhani provided—a journey that transcended the physical distance between Delhi and Kolkata, connecting us to the diverse soul of India. The memories of this train ride would forever be etched in my travel diary as a testament to the marvels of rail travel and the enchanting stories woven along the way.

To see our this journey on video make sure to visit my youtube channel Jaysenjx. To watch the video on click here


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