Basic Guide for Camping

Small camping are idol to start with, doesn't matter if its a camping with Friends, Family or Solo. You should know some basic thing before going for camping. I will keep this article very short and if I get more quries then I will explain the same in details later.

I live in India and still camping is not that popular in comparison to the western countries, but the trend is picking up and more and more people are planning for affordable camping under open sky than spending for expensive rooms.

My name is Jay and I love to explore lesser known tourist destinations across India, specially near New Delhi & North India. I have a Youtube channel with the name JAYSENJX, i upload all my travelling videos on it, so if you are interested to watch my videos (in Hindi Language) then do check-it-out.


For Camping first of all you require a good location for speing your time. Any place near the water/lake or slightly upper level ground will be an idle place. It sould be relatively flat surface where you will be pitcing your tent. Make sure that loaction you are choosing should be a safe location, safe from Animals, falling rocks, increase of water level, etc. Always better to ask locals before pitching a tent for if the place is safe for camping.

Tent/ Camps:

This is the most important thing which you should consider the first. Purchasing things initally will look expensive but you will recover all your cost within two camping stays of one day each. Don't go for cheap tents as it may spoil you experience in case of rain but go for quality tents three season tents will be idle. Better purchase tents which are sold at trusted sports shops like Decathlon, Wildcraft, etc.

Items for Sleeping:

Another important thing you should have is sleeping material, becasue when you put-up your tent then you might consider for a small nap and also to sleep at night, in that case you will require Sleeping Bag / Foam or Air Pads / Air Matress/ Cot / Blanket with foam under it and air pillow in case you are not willing to put you head on your bag pack.

Me with my friends making bonfire

Other Things:

After your tent is pitched and you have arranged everything for sleeping then you will not just lay down, you might be interested doing some activities and for that you will/may consider following things, though all of these might not be mandatory but having some of them will be a great help. Those items are folding chairs, match box, fire ignator, wood can be collected from nearby, torch light, camping utensils to prepare instant food, toiletry items, instant ready food, water bottle/can.

Please note that many items mentioned above are available at home itself or you can also borrow the same from your neighbours and friends as well.

Link to my Camping Video on Youtube which I did in Narkanda, Himachal Pradesh, India with my friends Camping at 2nd Heighest Peak


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